The Black Women Writers Project uplifts and celebrates the contributions and legacies of Black women and gender expansive writers by improving visibility of institution-based, community, and personal archival materials. BWWP focuses on increasing the amount of well-sourced, reliable, and freely accessible information about Black women writers in digital spaces. For updates on our programming and volunteer opportunities, get in touch. Visit our FAQs page for additional information.
Archive Finder (BETA)
Visit our database of collections featuring the manuscripts, papers, and archives of Black women and gender expansive writers
Wikipedia Editing
We support the availability of reliable, well-sourced information about established and emerging writers on Wikipedia through edit-a-thons and individual training sessions
from the Archive
Follow our blog, bone x bone, for photos, ephemera, and stories from the archives
Photo Sources: Maya Angelou by Jill Krementz, from New York Public Library via the Schomburg Center Research Guide; Toni Morrison by Bettmann (Getty Images), accessed via the New Yorker; June Jordan by Gwen Phillips via ABHM; Pat Parker by Robert Giard via Yale Beinecke Library